Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sustain - My 2017 "one little word"

It's time to look forward to 2017 as we will soon be moving forward from celebrating Christmas. I'm arranging my schedule. Yesterday, I joined Ali Edward's class One Little Word. I have taken this class in the past at Big Picture Classes. The class uses a word during an entire year for self-reflection and self-realization. My choice is one that seems to be foremost in my mind in recent days.
Sustainability is a rather long word, not little in size nor concept. It is well past the typical eight-letter (or fewer) word of choice in the One Little Word class. As an idea, the word enormous comes to mind. So, in the interests of a "little" word, I have chosen sustain.
I have spent a lot of time reflecting on this. My son spoke to me recently about his concerns for his son and the looming 2030 predictions of the collapse of the world as we know it. I wonder if, as an older individual, I'll be adaptable to the world as it will be, if I should still be here.
I've looked at the SDG's (sustainability development goals) the United Nations has published. It's seventeen items long!
There is good news. I read an interesting article from Medium, republished by Quartz on Facebook about good things happening in the world towards some SDG's.
Makes me think that making an effort does do some good.
Raised a Lutheran, a verse of A Mighty Fortress is Our God, seems particularly relevant to my choice.
"And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God hath willed his truth to triumph through us.
The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure; one little word shall fell him." - Martin Luther
I'm not a person of religion any longer, but I do have faith in the power of little words.

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