Saturday, February 7, 2015

Scrapbook Pages

 I've been making a few scrapbook pages recently and decided that I've not been spending as much time at my hobby as I'd like. Truthfully, once I get creating art, it's hard to get into my crafts. Not from too much creative energy but more of "What a mess!". Lots of stuff needed in creating. I know, "Isn't that why you digi scrap a lot?"
It doesn't create a mess anyone can see but it does mean a bit of searching and organizing. That's one reason I'm becoming more of a digi kit scrapper.
I'm going to post a few of my recent pages here. Be sure to check out Debbie Hodge's Get It Scrapped
where this heritage page is shown with several other examples of scrapping heritage photos with contemporary product.

Paper: Pink Paislee Switchboard, Studio Calico Lemon Lush, Teresa Collins Something Wonderful, Pocket Card: Studio Calico, Flower: Prima Flowers Coffee Break, Paper clip: Freckled Fawn, Stamp: Freckled Fawn/Hero Arts Sept 2014, Alpha: AC Thickers, Small alphas, glitter stickers, wood veneer banner, puffy sticker, paper clip, clear doodle stickers all Freckled Fawn (from kits Jan 2015, Dec 2014, Nov 2014, Sept 2014)

Some other layouts done recently:

Kim Watson Template from GIS files, Just Jaime Storyteller Sept and October 2014, styles and brushes Mommyish, Karla Dudley and Just Jaimee, font - Garamond

Mommyish Best Summer Ever, Im So Fancy;  TMartin Missing You, One Little Bird Crazy for You; PCO Focus, Click, Repeat, Karla Dudley Rad Bundle, Just Jaimee/Mommyish Year In Review; CD Muckosky Bootiful Night, My own designs (gingham, blue cardstock) Fonts: Oswald Book, Avenir Medium, Adobe Garamond Bold,  treed machine stitched sampler, pco dream, dde backyard splash

Jbarette's Perfect Fit, styles Mommyish, template by Amy Kingsford - MSD 11-2013 Sketch Inspired by Kelly Noel

Scrapbook Coach_Sprawl01_Template, Amanda Yi_TheDarndestThings, Studio Calico_Jan_FarFarAway, Mommyish_Shadow Styles -BohemianTypewriter, PasticheBrush

Check out the Scrapbook Coach videos at Get It Scrapped. I get a lot of inspiration there. The "You Love Football" page layout was inspired by a class there and the template/sketches for many of the layouts in the classes are available free for members at Get It Scrapped.

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