Sunday, February 2, 2014

Video and me

I started to do a vlog post about making a scrapbook page in analogous colors but quit after I fumbled about so much that I decided I needed to rewrite the script to be a comedy. The good teaching points sounded entirely too boring, too.
Some of m friends said I should just post the funny bits. After all, folk want to see that other folk do in real life when they make scrapbooks. My headset flies off, I look all over for an item while it sits there in full view of the camera, stuff gets glued to my hair, I drop everything (well, some of that is attributable to my weak left arm; but, not enough gets that excuse, alas), my work space gets smaller and smaller as I collect items and do not put them away as I scrap. So it goes, on and on. Not to mention, flubbed lines!
So, it may be a bit before you see me present a vlog post. I promise I will keep trying.
I like color and layering in my art work and since I'm reasonably good with both, I thought it might be good to make a process video with a bit of discussion. A friend looked at me and said with dread and disgust, "You're not going to talk about that color wheel thing, are you?" Well, I if I do, I guess it will be accompanied by the theme music from "Jaws". Really, it is just a tool. My Crop-a-dile is much more intimidating. Nonetheless, I am giving a lot of thought to how else to present color in a way that is useful and easy to understand and only minimally touches on the color wheel.
My favorite color scheme is the primary triad, though, Lee Andersen, you are so correct that as we age tertiary and quaternary colors, like puce are more appealing.I do believe that interesting combo of yellow, red and blue will always appeal to me, no matter what my age.
Lee is one of my most memorable design teachers.She currently designs lovely clothing lines with interesting textures.I learned about her through knitting, which must influence that desire for texture. Truly, she is a most interesting woman. I think she sparked my interest in color and design. Travel, art and education have helped develop it more.
Right now I'm deep into Lain Ehmann's LOAD for February. LOAD stands for "layout a day". www.
I have heard so many "craftlebrities" say that Lain's LOAD helped them refine their style and improve their scrapbooking. I always dread the idea of the work involved (though I just do digi pages if I feel overwhelmed). I decide to do it though because I'm convinced that some of those folk know what they are talking about.

These are my first two LO's for LOAD. The double page one needs a bit of tweaking but I'm thinking this will be a fun month even if I miss a day or two.
By the way, look for the "2 Craft Ladies" on You Tube this season. Their spoof of themselves doing crafts is fun. Somehow I think the wine pairings, though delightful, might have a wee bit of an effect on how their projects turn out? Just sayin' I mention them after discussing the big names (AKA "Craftlebrities") in skilled crafting because they have adopted "Craftlebrities" as a title for the coming season. It's a term we all owe to the amazing and inventive Angela Daniels, AKA "The Guilty Crafter".
Has this blog post rambled all over enough? Definitely stream of consciousness! OK, off to bed right now and a goal to try to produce a reasonable short video this week. Not sure I'll accomplish that but maybe if I stay away from facebook and apply myself, something might happen.

1 comment:

Cindy deRosier said...

Love the layouts! I don't necessarily need to see a video, but now I want to see a picture of a craft supply that got accidentally glued to your hair.

 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...