Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's "Faux", not "Fake"

 Had a lot of fun at Xmas visiting with my niece, Danielle. We went to a darling shop that had French antiques and quite a lot of things that "looked" like French antiques. We bought a few items and then we decided to make some of our own not so vintage antiques as personal Xmas presents. I bought more materials than we could use in one day, because I did not want her to be bored hanging out with me, though we did accomplish a lot in one day. I was over-prepared since her cousin, my son, Chris, had her spend a few days at his house. I called them fake antiques and Danielle strongly advised me to put the right emphasis on the exclusive nature of our original products by using the term in french - "FAUX". Spin is everything, of course. So, more projects for a future date either for me. Perhaps she may visit again soon?
Here are a few photos of our faux antiques - our beverage coasters, our boxed felted soaps, and our altered boxed matches. We did altered candles, too. Not quite as successful.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I did my twelve photos, but...

 I ended up completing a class assignment for SJ's class "Twelve" at BPC. Needed to take photos of numbers 1-12. After I did that, too tired to take more. However, these numbers are an interesting way of looking at life at the present.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Twelve Photos

 Today is the twelfth of January. Lots of folks are taking twelve photos today. Well, my goal is twelve photos that I want to feature for the day. I'll need to take about twenty times that number to get enough that are acceptable. Hmm, maybe I should say twelve photos at least and a few I think are good enough to post, LOL!
I took two pictures early this morning with my iPad when I woke up. Not so great pictures; but at least a start. I'm even surprised that I'm getting to this blog post today. I'm pretty regular at posting on Facebook but not so much at posting here. FB does not require "writing." Blogs do require writing. Yes, I am not so sure about my skills at literature, and the intimidation factor keeps me back. The paradox is the more I write, the likelihood I'll improve. I should resolve to write more. I did make some resolutions already. I plan to exercise at least three days a week and will eat mindfully. I also intend to do at least 12 scrapbook pages a month. I know these are pretty simple goals. Really would be terrific if I can stick with them.
Time to save this post and get back later with the photos.
In the event I do not get my photo goal accomplished, I'll add some pictures of my first five layouts of 2012 as proof that I am working on my goals. I'll also put up a not-so-flattering picture of me that will serve as a reminder of where I'm starting on my healthier journey for the year. The advantage of this photo is that sticking to my goals or not, any following picture is likely to look better!
If I meet the photo goals, I'll post those later today or this week.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012

 I was pretty good, though not perfect, at two posts a month last year. Maybe I'll find time for more posting this year. Started off the year with some scrapbook and healthy living inspiration at Big Picture Classes.
No definite plans for the year but will be getting a bathroom remodeled, maybe take a few trips - especially to see the youngest grandkids.
My One Little Word for the year - Present.
Like everyone else made plans for a healthier year and pledged to renew and strengthen friendships.
So tomorrow, need to work on past year's finances, finally get the info together for an updated trust and work more on photos and scrapbooking, just 'cause. Think I'll start it all off with the Rose Bowl Parade. Loved the trip that Cal and I took to see that and the game a couple of years ago.
My Uncle Ted turned 65 today. I guess we baby boomers are finally getting elderly. That and the Mayan calendar ending this year ought to give me pause. However, I'm taking that word PRESENT to heart and not getting emotionally involved with questions of age and mortality. No, today is the start of a New Year and a chance for new beginnings.

 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...