Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Had a fun weekend at Green Tangerines. Scrap & Spa - the best way to crop. Had a mani/pedi and a massage at Avalon as part of the scheduled activities. Add a nap in my car on Saturday and we are talking about true balance!
Got a few things done. Took lots but did not have an agenda which is the best plan of all.
Familiar faces, new folk, nice relaxed atmosphere. Very nice. I won a prize, too. My prize is a  Teresa Collins mini book kit. Yummy!
Planning a trip to CHA (Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show). Not sure yet how I'll handle all the walking. May need to rent one of those "Hoveround" type chairs while there. That would be interesting, not sure about my driving one of those, LOL!
Taking an art class. That is a challenge. Rendering is part of the course and my least favorite part of art. I'm convinced I'm going to learn a lot. One class should not be too much for me. The walking around campus is my least favorite part of all. Campuses are certainly designed for the young and able.
It's a foggy day today. If it clears I'll take some photos of recent work.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Return to Esther's Cupcakes located at Fulton and Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento, CA

I sent my son in to purchase an assortment of cupcakes from Esther's Cupcakes the other day.
He chose Creme Brulee, Carmel Macchiato, Tiramisu, Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry. I regret that I cannot find the receipt. Likely, Joe kept that and the change. Oh, well.
Joe came out of the store with a cold beverage so it appears these are now available.
I note pluses and minuses from my past review. I hope the cupcakes are cheaper because they are definitely smaller. They clearly are not as attractively decorated. (Check prior post from April 2010.) However, the batter is denser and more cake-like and has a very good flavor. The toppings are flavorful and not unattractive.
However, there is little to distinguish these cupcakes from other good cupcakes. I think a skilled baker could easily achieve an equally good decorated cupcake at home. Some of the cupcakes we tried as you can see in the photos had a cracked surface. My junior high Home Ec text advises that a cracked surface could be caused by any of the following: too much flour, not enough liquid, over mixing the flour in the batter or too hot an oven. Perhaps too much beating as the Tiramisu seemed to have a slightly coarse texture. Seems like a little attention and this could be easily remedied.
Pleasant, flavorful cupcakes that are worth a purchase if reasonably priced. Would I drive across town just to buy these? Probably not.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's 1-11-11 and the first blog of the year for me!

Yes, starting off with flowers. Amazing to not just have the pretty pink flowers on my window sill but new flowers in the garden. Yes, January's early camellias and snowdrops really make you aware that a New Year has begun.
Last year I selected the word "Courage" as my word for the year. It was tough to keep a brave outlook. I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew with this year's word. It's "Positive". Very hard for me. I'll try.
Those flowers are a very bright spot in my life.
I've got some other accomplishments under my belt, too. I have owned the financial program Quicken for years and have fumbled my way through it as it really had too many capabilities for me. Lets face it, my financial life, like the rest of my life was a disaster! I'm actually learning to use it. It may take forever to sort out my past history but I think I've got it organized enough that going forward I should be able to use it properly. There's a positive.
I'm also just beginning to understand manual settings in photography. I do not know why something like that has been difficult for me but I see possibilities. It would be helpful to be able to wear my camera strap around my neck and use my left arm more and move better but I'm going to explore what I can do. Look for the Positive! Photos are a quick way to art. Oh, I know that photography can be consuming and a job but it can be fun to just take a few good pictures, too.
I will really try to post at least two blog entries a month for 2011. Who knows - sometimes it might be daily. Especially, if I take a lot of good pictures.

 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...