Saturday, September 4, 2010

What About Stamps? Charity?

Yes, I know. You are going to tell me that you are SURE that Kaiser Craft has stamp sets for all their collections AND you did not see them on my posts. That's because I already had set them aside. They are fantastic! Here's a look. I finally got a photo taken.

Yes, getting things organized somewhat around this place and may have some time and some enegy to create stuff. I know it's going to take a while to make my adjustments to retirement and physical limitations. Nonetheless, it is hard. I'm getting there. I really am making some progress on the stuff I just threw in a pile for the past 5 years. I can understand how folk may become hoarders. They are overwhelmed and depressed and then anxiety sets in because they know there's important stuff there but they are still too overwhelmed to do anything about it. I'm glad I never got to that point. Though there is a lot here and some days I do feel too overwhelmed.
I'm not worrying too much about all the scrap stuff. There are so many folk who need more of an intervention than I, LOL!!! I am purging some and thinking of the Social Services Life Books volunteer social workers for my donations. Noell Hyman has info on this worthy cause at her Paperclipping website.
Also info on contacting social services about how you can help is here

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