Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bookends of the Family

Bookends of the family is an unusual thought but it was one I had yesterday. I was feeling a bit down, missing my Mom and then I thought of my daughter, Jeannette who died in 1982. I had been finishing up the obituary for my Mom and editing the photos to be included.
I chose a photo of Mom when she was a young woman and a more recent photo. It came to me then that these photos represented bookends on her life. I reflected that my Mom and little girl were bookends to mine. Unfortunately, Jennie had only a brief time on earth, but her profound spirit of love was a major support; Mom was pretty fragile at her end these last couple of years; but, also a wall of love.
I felt a bit bereft at that point. I do have special friends and family members to help keep me stable on the shelf of life but it was this thought of a disconnect from the edges of my own life that made me sad.
My niece, Danielle, has been a godsend to help in the rough times of moving Mom last year and settling things on her death. Aunt Fran and Aunt Virginia have both been sweet and encouraging, too.
They are the female bookends of my extended family.
My cousin, Aimee, currently in Australia has been so helpful to me. She edited the obituary, correcting my USA spelling to Canadian and, thanks to Facebook, has been a great comfort, despite the miles. My realization was that I am the eldest cousin and Aimee the youngest female cousin. In our own way, we are the female bookends of our generation.
Just some thoughts that were a comfort to me.


Gail L said...

Sorry to hear about your mom Karen. I'll be thinking of you & Your family.

Cindy deRosier said...

So very sorry that the loss has been so hard for you. I'm glad that there are many to support you and help during what must be a very difficult time. My best to you and your family and friends who are grieving.

I like the thought of scrapping your 'bookends'. That would make a very interesting layout.

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