Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Double Page Layout Template for you

Double page layout templates, I know a lot of scrapbook makers are always looking for these digi templates or sketches for their pages.
I, also, know that many scrapbookers have a lot of digi or pocket page cards (Project Life, WRMK, etc.) in their stash and not all of them do much pocket page scrapping.
I, too, am one of those so I came up with this grid using a number of cards I had from a mini kit of pocket cards.  I use Kim Watson for inspiration on placing my embellishments. Please check Kim out at http://www.pinterest.com/KimWatson/
Just love Kim!
I decided to make a layered template of my page for any of you who are inspired to try this.
Here is a downloadable file for your pleasure. I had planned to perfect this template to get the card sizes a bit better but unfortunately my mother unexpectedly died this week and I have been a bit overwhelmed. Still, I have used this template and liked the LO I made with it. Click photo below for full image. Click link for file.


You can see here my original double page paper layout as featured at Get It Scrapped http://debbiehodge.co

I have had fun using my template with digi pocket card kits. Because of digi scrap TOA restrictions, I've not posted any of them here on my site but will put the LO's into galleries where there are no ads. Not all cards will fit as clipped images without slight adjustments, so just use them like you clip paper scraps and enlarge or shrink as needed. For some of you that may be a mild annoyance, but just remember I'm providing the template for free and I did this for fun! I did not find anything too annoying when I was using it. Then again, I'm pretty much a digi scrap newbie.  Obviously, I made a paper page in the original design and adapted it as a layered template as an educational experience.
You all know how much I love learning new stuff! Playing with things like templates gave me excuses to go shopping for some of those pocket card kits and other collections. That's a fun thing, too!

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