Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cupcake Art


A little color theory and a chance to paint a bit. Well, paint too much! Still learned a lot and met really nice people. I have decided I like painting though I think I'll approach it in a more leisurely fashion so I avoid all the neck pain that comes with deadlines!
For those who are curious, the color harmonies for the paintings are from right to left and top to bottom - split complementary, stippled effect, intensity (analogous), glaze on a grisaille, triad, earth tones, color value (monochromatic), power (complementary), neutralization and a glaze on a brunaille.
Note that I did the second to last in a complementary scheme of yellow-green and red-violet (18 color wheel). This color scheme made me think of Calvin's comments about desserts, "Poisonous". Guess what I named the painting, LOL! I like color theory and hope to study it more in the future but all I can think about now is Rest and Recovery!
All ready for the holidays, no special plans for gifts. Something simple I think. No grand social activities - just some pleasant times with friends and family.
Gradually, my house is getting organized. It's taken over 3 years now. Yes, I have not been barreling ahead at things - paperwork, in particular, is just too boring and overwhelming! Still, slow and steady can finish the race, sometimes even win it. 
I am managing to keep up the two blog posts at least per month pace that I've set for myself. Nonetheless, I'm going to give some holiday greetings and good wishes to all of you now even if i extend them again this season because I have so much happiness to wish for each and every one of you!


Cindy deRosier said...

I LOVE your paintings! Absolutely fantastic. I need to take a class like that - it sounds like you learned so much.

Gail L said...

Great to hear from you, and good job with the painting!
You have a wonderful festive season yourself!

BethW said...

Gorgeous-beautiful job.Your artistry continues grow.

 Good Morning! It's the start of a New Year, so I must write new blog posts. I have been writing a lot but haven't posted here. I di...