Friday, September 21, 2012

Last Day of Summer! Awesome Day!

 Yes, Gail, I've been overwhelmed. I just read your comment today, LOL!
As my twitter updated noted, it's all a bit much, though I love my classes.
Looks like I still have a chance of making my two blog posts a month commitment. I had hoped to increase my posting but think I've found a good spot. You can expect two posts and sometimes more.
Today, despite the fact that I am cleaning up my house (never a fave task), has been wonderful.
Yes, the shuttle flew over my house today! Awesome!

Second: I have a blog prize for a lucky person.
This is just the start. Since I'm organizing, I'm sure I can add more goodies. Seems a bit stamp heavy; so, must find a few goodies to balance this out.
To enter, just leave a comment on this post. If I get more than 12 folk posting comments I'll add something special like a gift certificate to BPC.

I'd love to recommend May Flaum's Kit-tastic Class at Big Picture Classes. Just started and it looks as full of good info, personal attention and prizes as any other class from May has been!


Tanya Napier said...

Hi Karen!
The shuttle flew near us in Southern CA, but I couldn't see it from my home, just news helicopters.
I think I need to set a goal of two blog posts a month! I am terrible at it.
I am in Kit-tastic also. I am looking forward to getting into it. How's Twelve going for you?

Cindy deRosier said...

You got a great picture of the shuttle! We got home from vacation Friday and because we'd been totally without news, etc. we didn't know it would be flying overhead until it was too late. It's fun seeing everyone's pictures.

Gail L said...

Great pic of the shuttle, yeah we know what's going on, even in our little corner of the world!
Glad you're keeping busy, that should keep you out of trouble then! RIGHT!?

Unknown said...

Wow. The shuttle flew over your house. How neat and what a great pic.

MORMOR said...

I have really missed you, your blog and BPC this summer. My mil succumbed to dementia in late August, and a lot of time was spent with her before her passing and then preparing her memorial service. I have had cervical and lumbar epiderals and lumbar radio frequencies. That has pretty much been my summer along with the bright spots of grandchildren visits. It all left little time for scrapping or blog reading. I just took a quick skim of your blog, true fun. I have no love for the Packers being a Chi. Bear fan. Love that you are taking some classes. I hope to take some in the Spring. How cool that the shuttle flew right over your house. I find it somewhat sad that something that was such a huge part of my life time has come to an end. Sorry to take up so much of your space. Just wanted to say how happy I am to be able to come back and visit.

Glenna said...

hi Karen,
Great giveaway. Awesome.

Unknown said...

Some of those stamps are on my wish list. Great "kit" pulled together there. Would love to use it! Thanks for the consideration!

P.S. Love May's class too!

Selenaintx said...

You are so sweet to be hosting a giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

 Good Morning! It's the start of a New Year, so I must write new blog posts. I have been writing a lot but haven't posted here. I di...