Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

 I guess about one post a day is all I can generate. Oh, well. I'm not any less grateful even if I did not meet my self determined goal of at least one post a day this week.
Today, I'm grateful for the love of friends and family.
We may be having a quiet Thanksgiving with just Cal and me and Joe; but, our hearts are full of those dear to us even if our house isn't.
We are going to have the traditional turkey dinner and a lot of football will be on the TV (like most household in America). We did watch a few minutes here and there of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. (In this house, the Rose Bowl Parade is the one parade  we watch from start to end. In fact, the parade and game we saw in person a couple of years back is still a topic of conversation in our house. It was so fun to be there!)
As we celebrate today, we send our love to our many family members and friends, with wishes for a joyous holiday season.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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