Sunday, May 23, 2010

Photo Essay of our trip to the Carolinas

It was a great trip. Some of these photos are from the internet because I did not remember to take a photo myself or it was not a photo I could obtain. Like any good scrapbooker, I found substitutes for the things I wanted to remember but had neglected to photodocument myself. The following photos are not my own: Biltmore House, Folk Art Center, Broom, Mussels at Lulu's (delicious I must say!), Norah Jones, Porgy and Bess, (both absolutely wonderful performances!), Lowe's motor speedway pics, Sleepy Poet's Antiques and floor plan of the Concord Mills Mall.
The sites we saw included the Biltmore House and Gardens, the Folk Art Center of North Carolina featuring folk art of the Southern Highland Craft Guild, Lulu's Restaurant - Charlotte,
opening of the Nascar Hall of Fame, Bombshel, the Carolina Raptor Center, the Latta Plantation, Norah Jones, Porgy and Bess, Donna Downey's Inspired Art, Cal visited and got to ride (in a van) around Lowe's Motor Speedway, the Columbia South Carolina Zoo, Sleepy Poets Antique Mall and the Concord Mills outlet shopping center mall. Whew! A lot for even 8 days. Plus that cross country flight. My arm was rather sore and useless after such a long trip, more than usual. Nonetheless, it was FUN!


Laura C said...

Great Pictures Karen!

kellystar said...

you were a busy bee! And, you forgot to mention hanging out with Stacy Julien! Thanks for reminding everyone to update and bloghop over at the Fiskateer website.

Tona said...

It sounds & looks like a wonderful trip.

 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...