Sunday, February 28, 2010

Am I the one?

Paperclipping Roundtable has a contest to see what non-industry paper artist could contribute to the show. I LOVE scrapbooking and always have something to say; so, I may be that individual. My only relationship to the industry is a consumer and a fan. No scrapbook income, just LOTS of financial out-go.
I have learned a little about art and Scrapbook design but have never taken more than one actual art class, have never been published, nor have I ever been on a design team. BTW - Noell is a great design teacher (I LOVE Paperclipping Live). I also have taken a number of classes at
I do have a concern about this contest; in that, a written response is required. I think this is fine if one was asked to write an article but not to audition for a radio spot. Don’t you agree?
I made an audio file but have encountered technical difficulties. I’ll need to record tomorrow.

Audition Audio File

Audition Transcript:

Hi, Noell. I’m Karen Poirier-Brode a non-industry scrapbooker. For this audition, I’ve chosen to discuss my scrapbook process, a recent paperclipping roundtable discussion topic. Unlike the artists you included on the show, I rarely use a photo or story as my starting point. I have thousands of photos and a talent for conversation. Frankly, I feel I can tell a story about anything.
I often start with an inspiration layout I’ve found on-line or in a scrapbook magazine (these magazines are unfortunately a dwindling resource). Sure, I sometimes do a straight scrap-lift. Though, I must admit, I ALWAYS tinker. What I usually do, though, is to start looking through my supplies, photos, etc. –with my inspiration in mind.
For example, I found a page I liked. It was a love story. The background was red and featured a photo of a father and his daughter embellished with hearts and ribbon. I was attracted to it because of a paint technique on the page. I also REALLY liked the basic design. As I rummaged my stash, I found a cool photo, shaped paper, and embellishments …Voila! the creative moment! My version of the layout is green, purple and blue and features a story about a restaurant in Ghana in the middle of a crocodile pond. No paint technique, not a story about love; but, the placement of the photo, ribbon and embellishments are similar in design to my inspiration and it’s a layout I like!
Hope you enjoy my process. Thanks for the chance to contribute to the show.


May said...

karen this rocks - good lucK!! (but don't forget they said you had to link back to the episode to be eligible!!)

cia said...

Would you post a picture of the original layout and your take on it? I would love to see how you changed it.

Karen Poirier-Brode said...

If you look through my blog you'll find it Sept 2008 when I made an entry for my own use. I did not want to link it to this post as I wanted to avoid any terms of use problems.
May, thanks for the comment - I correct that.

Karen Poirier-Brode said...

Oops, distracted when I was typing - and I'm an eye on the keyboard "fastest two finger typist in the west"! LOL
I meant to write "I've corrected that omission"

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