Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stay-n-Play Cafe Fun

Yes, A fun day at C&T Publishing. Picture here with Fiska-Friends Ms. Jackie and Diane. We actually did some work. Eating and chatting were priorities, of course.
My dear friends made sure I had enough room for my "stuff", got me a comfy chair so I did not have much trouble with my neck and arm (exactly the same type of chair I'm sitting in here at my computer), and just were a blast to hang out with.
May Flaum and Jennifer N were at the crop, too! "Lisa Pizza" Fulmer and Angela Daniels hosted the event. Also, I met other Fiskateers in person like Melita.
The Make and Takes were great, learned a lot! Wonderful talent there at C&T.
Not too far a drive either, though getting out of Sacramento yesterday morning was a BEAR!
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1 comment:

Suzi said...

Well, you inspire me! Next year I'll have to try harder, even if I do hafta haul my own oxygen supply! You rock, doc!

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