Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Monday!
I am planning to add more links to my blog. I added a fellow Fiskateer's (Michelle's) site to my favorites today. She has darling capured magical fairies. I have mixed emotions - delight she has them but a sadness about the idea of trapping something as free as a fairie!
I am going to check out more sites and add them to my list of faves!

2 comments: said...

Well, I, for one, am pretty excited to be on your blog =). Love Michelle's fairies too!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! While you did not win the first of my many Rak’s, I still want to send you something! No pressure. Just need your snail mail addy and birthdate!

Michelle Cummings

 Good Morning! It's the start of a New Year, so I must write new blog posts. I have been writing a lot but haven't posted here. I di...