Monday, July 4, 2022

Sex, Lies and No Video Tapes

Photo was taken tonight as I write this blog entry.
Hair is a mess but proving my point my image is honest.


OK, the title says lies, and it says sex, and while there are plenty of lies, there is no sex ... well, not yet.
There may be none ever, as this online dating is very discouraging. I have not been at it very long, but there seem to be a lot of lies.
"T" from New Jersey might be a "bot." Very brief communications on messages and refuses to give his name or have a video conversation. (My video tape reference.) I told him, "I'm not really happy with doing the conversational heavy lifting and I need more identification before I go further in any communication."

I wondered if anyone would question my age. I told a guy I was really 72, and he disappeared. The photos are accurate (I look much younger than my stated age), and so is the information. Unfortunately, the guys I have been "matched" to are not as truthful as I am. In my last post, you read about Kenneth from Utah, who used internet photos to pose as a fellow named Mark from San Francisco.

I'm debating contacting a guy who is out of my age range. He's 5 years older than I am. I hate to be picky, but my limit is a couple of years older. It's just that guys seem to age faster than most women. Men much younger have checked me out, but no contact. I honestly do not know how I'd react to someone younger than 57.

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