Wednesday, May 8, 2019

50: Creating Art with Deep and Meaningful Connections with Catherine Rains

Would you like to know what inspires an artist to create a meaningful piece of work? Today's guest is Catherine Rains. Catherine is an artist and she is an excellent example of how evolution works in collage, her chosen medium of art. Catherine has had a really intriguing art career. In today's episode, she talks to us about her skills, and about her certification in evaluating personalities. She also explains how she lets her art speak to her over time a period of time as she creates it, and how she brings a deep and meaningful spiritual connection to her pieces. Listen in today, to learn more about Catherine and her work.
Until age 33, Catherine often said that she didn't have an artistic bone in her body. Catherine discovered her life calling in the middle of an overwhelming day job, where she created her first collage just to relieve stress.  This simple beginning eventually led to quitting her day gig to manage a thriving art business. Then her journey took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  This led her back to a day job for the next 10 years, traveling across the US, creating almost no art. Three years ago she decided to integrate the day job she loved with the art she could not live without, by setting up an art studio in every hotel she visited and following a structured schedule to fit art back into her life. As a result of this self-commitment, she returned to her greatest passion – art – on January 1, 2018. Tune in, to find out about Catherine's creative approach to her life and her work.
Show Highlights:
  • Catherine talks about what she does as a collage painter.
  • Catherine's art is mixed media collage infused with spirituality, meaning, and inspiration.
  • Finding relief from a job she did not enjoy with collage.
  • Figuring out how to make a living from art.
  • Quitting her job and focusing on expanding her skills.
  • Coming to realizing that she really loved doing collage and that it gives her incredible joy.
  • What Catherine has discovered about making money from art.
  • What the business of art looks like for Catherine.
  • How posting on Instagram teaches her to be real and authentic.
  • Inspiring people with her art.
  • Speaking to people on a deeper level with her art.
  • The spiritual aspect of Catherine's art.
  • Communicating with her art piece as if it is a living being.
  • Looking for a title that will draw people in.
  • The unique way that Catherine blesses her art.
  • Catherine believes that there is an art to marketing art.
  • Asking for guidance as she creates a piece. in order to allow the magic to happen.
  • Certifying people with Myers-Briggs for the moment, in order to take the pressure off having to make money from art.
  • How Catherine's creative process is set in motion.
  • Catherine really loves teaching. She would like to teach Soul Collage in the next year or two.
  • Catherine has been a breast cancer survivor since 2004. It has transformed her life and only produced good things for her and caused her to grow.
Catherine Rains
Instagram: Catrains Artist
Wikipedia: Myers Briggs Type Indicator
The Myers Briggs
Emily Jeffords
Kelly Raero Berts
Beth Kirby
Soul Collage
Art Of Karen Poirier Brode

Check out this episode!

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