Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ep 45: A Gifted Geyser of Artistic Expression A Conversation with Jonathan Fong

Today’s podcast has a fascinating guest, Jonathan Fong. From plans for kid’s projects to ideas for sophisticated weddings, Jonathan just shines! Home decorating, crafting, and entertainment are not the only things he knows about, but he also has a unique gift to teach us how to master his creative visions. I love that Jonathan always dresses impeccably and adds unique touches to his ensemble. His approach proves that men’s fashions can be both original and very dapper.
In this conversation, you’ll learn more about the innovative Jonathan Fong and his "creative approach."
More in this episode

  • What Jonathan is doing on a daily basis and how he inspires others.
    ● Jonathan didn’t really become a designer until later on in life and shares where he started out before he got to this point in his journey.
    ● He discusses his career beginnings and the struggles he had when he experienced “left brain, right brain conflict” where he was trying to be creative in a non-creative field.
    ● Jonathan was encouraged that if he “had huge creative tendencies to explore them!”
    ● How his creative exploration led him to greater opportunities such as being on HGTV, writing books, creating a business and his own show on YouTube
    ● The value of creating your own content on YouTube and what that can lead to.
  • How working with Disney and teaching on kid’s crafts helped him gain a wider audience to infuse creativity in the lives of millions.
    ● We discussed his exploration of infusing his creativity into his cooking as well.
  • Who influenced Jonathan to embrace his creativity throughout his life.
  • How his fun and playful attitude has helped people make their art more personal.
  • Craft books on the horizon may include more Jewish Crafts and Dog and Cat Crafts.
  • Jonathan feels that creativity is one of the most important things in this world. He says, “that for us creative folks, or for people that want to be creative, it’s our duty to create because creativity is the opposite of destruction. There is so much destruction in the world and so much of the world is geared towards destruction, both physical and spiritual. However you create, whether it’s through crafting or cooking or building or painting or singing - however you express yourself to create or make something - that counteracts the destruction. We can change the world by creating.”
Jonathan on Facebook
Youtube: Style with A Smile
Books on Amazon: Walls That Wow, Flowers That Wow, Parties That Wow
CHA (The Craft & Hobby Association, now known as The Association For Creative Industries)
 E-how for more on creating a fun party, cooking, crafts, and more.
 Jewish Film Festival in Sacramento

Check out this episode!

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