Tuesday, January 2, 2018


My "word" for 2018 is Capture. I want to take more intentional photographs, "seize the day," and document more stories in scrapbook pages, blog posts and on my podcast, A Creative Approach.
I have been reflecting on how there is so little time in each day, it rushes by so quickly as we get older. Now, that is not all bad. Some days, weeks, months and even years are best when they are ended rapidly. Still, one thing about being in the latter part of one's existence is the sense of privilege and gratitude we have that life has given us so much. Some of it too painful for words; that is true. Yet, many do not have such good fortune to make it through. There are opportunities in the days ahead, no matter how short, for those of us still here.
I picked Capture because it has a sense of action and purpose. I look forward to new adventures. I want to tell stories of past, present, and future.
Let's be hopeful for an incredible year ahead as we enter 2018.
May it be a creative time. My wishes are that we will be brave and capture as much experience, learning, and joy as we can.

Here are just a few pages I've been creating recently -

Page details and supplies can be found on my Facebook page.

I have been working on a few scrapbook templates that I will share soon. I hope many of you found 12 days to document in this Advent/Christmas season. If you need more time, remember that Eastern Orthodox Christmas (Ukranian Christmas to me) doesn't even begin until January 7!



1 comment:

Cindy deRosier said...

Excellent choice! I hope 2018 brings you many opportunities to Capture all the good things in your life.

 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...