I struggled a bit with these photos. Fortunately, my family, the local skate park as well as the awesome scenery around here got me what I needed. I ended up liking these photos even though I found a number of assignments took me outside of my comfort zone. I think my style definitely indicates a scrapbook slant. I think you'll see a slightly photojournalistic approach apparent in my collection.
It's definitely not a professional level of photography but I can see improvement in my photos. All it takes is some practice and study to get better. I know it works for my other art and scrapbooking. As one learns, the processes get more automatic and the next step is easier to reach.
I am waiting to see what feedback I get in class on Monday.
I'd love my readers' feedback, too.
All photos are © Karen Poirier-Brode 2014.
intro slide uses Amanda Yi Designs TheDarndestThings alpha and the fonts: Pastiche Brush and Traveling Typewriter

Wow, really awesome photos! I love the mix of everyday capture, and more composed shots. You are a talented lady!
I don’t think that there’s such a thing as starting late in doing a thing you like. I believe that as long as you have the urge to do it and improve upon yourself, you have every right to do so no matter how old you are. And besides, how would you have known that you’d be this great in photography if you didn’t take that class? I think that you managed to capture a lot of great moments with your shots, which is a reward on its own. Anyway, thank you for sharing this with us, Karen. All the best!
Travis White @ Marketing Digest
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