Monday, November 15, 2010

A Walk In Sacramento

Nothing like blog traffic to encourage one to update the blog. Unfortunately, I lost my original post, which I often do when I write it directly in blogger. At least, in MSWord you cannot close without being reminded to SAVE! The blocks of text getting rearranged is less of a hazard, too!

It was fun to see my interview with Stacy Julian posted at Big Picture Classes today. The site is celebrating its 5th anniversary. Go visit, if you’ve not been there already.

Yesterday Cal and I took a walk around Ancil Hoffman golf course. It was a lovely warm fall day.

We saw lots of wildlife; thankfully, no mountain lions nor rattlesnakes. Plenty of less dangerous creatures were there. The turkeys were everywhere. Grateful, no doubt, that they will not be gracing any tables in a couple of weeks. Those holidays do seem like they are right on top of us, don’t they?

The sights were wonderful from the birds and animals to a little bit of fall color. Dozens of yellow jackets and hundreds of ladybugs darted into our path.

Delightful sounds greeted us along the way. The rapid rushing of the river, the rustle of racing fallen leaves, the clink of golf clubs hitting balls, the clunk of golf balls hitting trees, the chatter of squirrels, the gobble of turkeys and the honk of geese were just a few.

The smells were interesting, too. A fall flowering bush with a heavy sweet sickly smell, burgers cooking at the clubhouse and the sharp tangy scent of the wild dill that hung along the walkway begging for a caress.

I am a slow walker but Cal looked down on the golf course and critiqued the swings he observed while he waited for me to catch up.

We ended our walk luxuriating in a good cup of java at Boulevard Coffee.

Here are a few glimpses of our walk.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


What was happening on the day you were married? Note photos above from Chris and Laurel's wedding 10/10/10. What was happening in the world the day I got married? This is today’s Jessica Sprague prompt at Stories in Stories in Hand is the title of Jessica Sprague's soon-to-be-released book with lots of story prompts and inspiration.

Hmmm, good prompt; though, I’ve been married 3 times. OK, that’s another story. I will think about writing both of these stories. I’m considering purchasing this book. I do write on my blog but must confess that the internet seems to get all my stories and not just on my blog. Often my stories end up in comments on other people’s blogs. My scrapbook pages have very little journaling, personal diaries have been started and abandoned after 3 pages so often it is ridiculous. I’ve considered audio journals but have never attempted this. I do have an i-phone so that would probably be easy to do. I've started an art journal but just barely. Maybe the internet is the best way to capture my "voice".

I attended Scrapbook Expo in Sacramento this past weekend. This means my left arm is sore and very weak today but I did nothing; so, it’s OK that the arm is “useless”, my summation of its wonky moments. I learned a few things and met some delightful folks. The folk are the best part! Next time I will bring better seating stuff like a special seat pillow.

Yes, have been busy. We went to Cal’s 50th college reunion in Lexington, KY a couple of weeks ago. You know we had a good time when we tell you that it was great because we both got terribly ill at the end of the trip. He saw a couple of old friends from his tennis team. Lots of good memories for him and for other folk. A woman came up to Cal and told him she used to sit next to him in physics class; he told me he probably did but joked that he could barely remember if he took physics much less his classmates. The organization and events were well planned. Bus transportation worked very well. No stress. Note the great skinny tie that Cal resurrected. It came from his grandfather Lewis' haberdashery. The leaves were starting to turn when we were in Lexington. The racing at Keeneland was great fun. I wore a lovely hat and had it and another shipped to me. However, Cal and I checked on the internet and noted a sorry tale about the woman I bought the hats from. I’ll report if I ever get them, I have some reason to believe she may not follow through. Pretty hats, though. It would be nice to have them.

Have spent some time on the California coast lately. First was Chris and Laurel’s lovely wedding. Most recently it was some time at the Ritz in Half Moon Bay. A treat was spending some of Halloween with the littlest grandkids in Capitola. Halloween is a big event there with a parade in old town and trick or treating in town. A little beach time is always nice. I'll need to get those photos on this computer to share. The best part of the coast is that the trip is brief. I hate travelling now, though destinations – another story! But CA has the great destinations without too much of a trip. The best!

 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...