Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The EHARMONY Experience

I showed some of my eharmony matches to friends who commented, "The guys look too old for you." I remind my friends of my age. 
However, that remark is partly true. Some men look like they'd have the energy to keep up with me, but many look like they need the "nurse." I've been warned to avoid being a "nurse" or a "purse" prospect for the guys I connect with in real life or online.
The experience has been bizarre. After a few exchanges, I found what seemed like an amiable guy on the East Coast who said he was interested. He then has not returned to the eharmony site. Maybe he's just busy or has found someone he likes better. Who knows? A pleasant diversion for a few messages, and we'll see if he ever returns to the site.
Next was someone with more promise as he was closer, but "B" from San Mateo proved to be a very controlling individual in just a couple of messages. Goodbye!
Yesterday, I had a brief exchange with a guy to whom I gave my cell number. I got a message from the guy with what looks like a studio photo. The phone message said he was kenneth from e-harmony, and the # was from Utah. Since I'd chatted online with a Mark from San Francisco whose photos looked like the guy named kenneth in the image attached to the message (I've not matched with a kenneth), this seemed very fishy!
I've had a couple of other brief conversations, but nothing seems to be developing.
I've been researching online dating sites, and one's chances at finding people are judged to be equivalent to real-life; of course, real life is not yet providing enough social situations to meet anyone! I hope that finding "no one" is not the result of this online effort.
At least it's blog material, LOL!

Sunday, June 19, 2022

So, online dating!

Hello, blog world. I'm embarking on something new. It will seem too soon for some of you, but I have had time to prepare for Cal's death, and he wanted me to move on with my life. It's not as if I'm closing the door on my past. I miss him and likely always will, but the world is trying to sort itself out, even with CoVid still hovering. I'm trying to sort myself out, too. Life is short.
    So, online dating! I said new, but a few moments ago, 1983 flashed back, and I remember trying online dating then. It was definitely weird. I do not recall how one got into that scene. Lots of geeky people, I recall. It was pure DOS. I write too much - that is not surprising to anyone; I have a blog! I don't write here often, but how many people periodically write down their thoughts on a personal blog?
At any rate, I was spending too much time entering data, as I still am only a two-finger typist. The space was monitored, and the host interrupted and had me call him. He suggested I write my posts in another program and then import them into the program to let others onto the chat platform. Only one person could enter data at a time. He and I had a few conversations. I think he was some kind of entertaining voyeur. He probably hosted the site to get material for a comedy routine? I met a few guys and had a couple of personal meetings but no romances from that experience. It has been filed away in my mind until a few minutes ago.
So, my organizer and friend, Tara, recommended EHARMONY to me. I went on the site Monday and signed up. Since then, I've met a few friendly people, but only one has intrigued me. I've been chatting, verbosely, of course! Funny how I can be so quiet in person with people I do not know, but here I am on my blogs, podcasts, and social media, and now eharmony just putting it all out there.
It's the introverted extrovert that I am, I suppose.
It's rather fun getting to know another person this way. I miss the days when I'd catch a guy's eye from across a room and see him smile. Nowadays, there's a mask in the way, and who gets out much anyways? I think it could happen as the world opens up. I look a lot younger than my age, have always felt attractive, and have an energetic attitude. All this exercise I do to stay healthy keeps me active and fit. So even if online does not work out, I do not think I'm destined for a lonely life nor required to be a "nurse" or a "purse" to find a partner. I will not regret the online dating experience, even if it doesn't end up with a lasting relationship. So far, people seem very pleasant even though I've felt that many would not be the best match for me.
I'm waiting for guys to put themselves forward. I'm not bold enough, at least not yet, to make the first move.
The site is pretty flexible and easy to use. So, if you have been considering trying the online dating option in your life, keep an open mind and try it out.
I'm not always great about following up on the blog, but I'll probably make a few comments on social media.
It's a new chapter in my life. Maybe I'll be blogging more?


 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...