I'm no stranger to plastic surgery, I had some procedures in my 20's when feeling a bit self conscious about my appearance. In particular, my nose, which on reflection was not bad at all. However, with frequent negative comments from the first ex-husband about the nose, I felt my self-confidence eroded and did the procedure. As I look back, no regrets. I'm happy about my past procedures.
Now, I'm planning on a lower face lift. My hairdresser has been after me to have it done for some time now. I decided to go ahead after a man, who I met recently, guessed, without hesitation, my age at about 60. This is, of course, true and was not a negative comment at all; but, I realized the tell tale signs of age were there. Now, he's an artist and attentive to detail, nonetheless it made me realize I'd like to appear a little more ambiguous when it came to my age. A little hesitation before answering would be nice. I am proud to be over 60 and to have all the life accomplishments behind me that I do. Still, it remains a youth oriented culture despite the large number of baby boomers around who are now seniors and elderly. Some of us just like to look our best, too. I have a good dermatologist and have taken good care of my skin but that doesn't help with underlying structure. Losing weight, while wonderful for my health (no blood pressure meds!), does accentuate the sagging of the face. I tend to pick the most flattering photos for my Facebook and blog posts but I'm posting one here that illustrates those soft jowls and turkey neck I want to be gone.
So, September 1, I will be having the procedure done. September 30, I plan to have a procedure in my plastic surgeon's office to tighten up my saggy arms. They are the result of weight loss as well as age.
Having just had a total knee replacement I'm a bit nervous about having more surgery. I realize that a total knee is an incredibly major procedure and not the easiest recovery, though I'm being told I'm doing way better than most folk. The knee was a very necessary surgery and well worth it, I might add. I'd highly recommend the procedure to anyone having significant knee arthritis where the operation has been advised. So many folk say "I wish I'd done this sooner". I, too, think I'd have liked a referral for this long ago. The knee replacement and the injections in my neck and in my finger joint have really helped me cope with living with arthritis. I'm still challenged by pain and restrictions but feel more hopeful that getting older will not be as dreadful as I was imagining just 6 months ago.
Also, I want to look my best and look forward to the results of my plastic surgery.
There are risks and limitations to surgical approaches to solving the signs and symptoms of aging and illness. It's not an easy decision to make. I'm nervous about the surgery; yet, I feel it's a good plan for me. Sure, I could have complications. I'm confident that even if adverse occurrences, ultimately, I'll be fine.