Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Photography and Me

RT at Night
Fairy Princess, Painting with Light
Two Views Walker Lake, NV
Barbetta, ITSA Studio

I've been busy, which has been mentally and physically challenging. Yet, I always say you do not learn much unless you stretch and test your limits.
I am learning more about photography and got a B in my recent course. I did not take the introductory class; but, I plunged into the intermediate one, and part way through realized I was maybe in over my head. Still, 895 out of 1000 points was pretty decent and  I'm very happy. An over achiever like me likes to get straight A's; but, as my dear DIL reminded me the grades do not go on the certificate. Not that I am trying for a certificate; since, I'd be about 80 by the time I could complete enough classes, LOL!
A real problem with getting better with photography is that I'd feel the need for a new camera. Since I get a lot of neck pain when lifting even light objects, I'm not sure I could handle the extra weight of a Canon 6D especially with one of those wonderful glass lenses. Still, a girl can dream. I really need to get a lot better before I could consider that step, though. I've included a couple of my best recent images in this post. I hope you'll see me get stronger at photography over time.
The best part about learning this stuff is appreciating the vision and artistry of others. So many people with great imaginations and talent.

 Good Morning! It's the start of a New Year, so I must write new blog posts. I have been writing a lot but haven't posted here. I di...