Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Learning Makes My Heart Sing

Exuberant praise for educating? Yes! As school years wind down, it's a good time to reflect on education. I think I have a great deal of curiosity about the world. It tuns into taking a lot of classes as well as poking my nose into a lot of stuff. Sure, sometimes I make mistakes,; but, I try to mind politeness. Formal classes are one place where curiosity and nosiness really are safe. I just waxed eloquently, or at least verbosely, LOL! in comments on a recent Paperclipping podcast episode about some of my favorite on-line scrapbook learning sites: Debbie Hodge's Get It Scrapped/Masterful Scrapbook Design, Noell Hyman's Paperclipping video tutorials and Big Picture Scrapbooking . I like Renee Pearson's site a lot, too. There is a mix there of very technical classes along with simpler material. When I participate in more challenging classes like learning the ins and outs of Adobe Illustrator, I really feel I've learned a lot!  I am finally feeling comfortable enough in Photoshop to plunge into Digi scrapping more. It has, to this time, been much more of a toe dip. PSE is pretty easy as well as powerful but I really want to get to know  the formal program. I just have wound up design class at a local junior college. I've one assignment to finish. My back has been a real problem for me with college classes, especially with missing two weeks going to see Mom. My Pilates instructor will not be pleased with all the spasms I'll need to work out! Even one day a week for a class is physically challenging but I love learning too much to stop! I just cannot spend too much time working at a computer. of course, good ergonomics are important for everyone.
class projects:
I think that art and history classes are my favorites, Cousera The Teaching Company some wonderful classes. Naturally, the free part makes Cousera very appealing. Some of these classes are long and formal. I decided to try out a class on the history of Rock music on Cousera and have been delighted. The lessons so far have been 6-12 minute lectures. Of course, since I go hunting and listening on You-Tube for all the great artists it really works out to 30-45 minute classes. 
I'd love to hear about any of your favorite class sites and will offer a $10 gift certificate to Big Picture classes for comments on this post. Don't forget to comment on my last post for a chance to win the shopping gift certificate in celebration of Scrapbooking month. 
I'm writing this post on my iPad as I sit here in bed this am. I'll try and add links and photos later today, when I get to a computer. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

View out the plane window on the 11 minute flight from Seattle to Victoria.
Yes, after 3 months in the hospital and just before discharge the decision was made that Mom could not return to assisted living and needed a nursing home. So, off I flew to Victoria, BC to get that done. Way too much pressure! I'm not sure how long it will take to recover and I still have so much to do. I'm anticipating a trip back in early June. Meanwhile, a lot of details to take care of. I lost Mom's good jewelry, not much but it was a consequence of my rushing and trying to get things done. Sigh!
Oh, well. She is in a safe and good place with lovely gardens.
I'm behind in my classes and my pain level has gone up a notch. Still, life is pretty good.
The newest grandbaby seems to be thriving, the second oldest one turned 21 today and we are going to a ballet performance tomorrow that the eldest grandchld is in. She's graduating from college. Hard to believe that much time has gone by! All the grandkids seem to be healthy - and that makes us happy!
Victoria was lovely as usual and I got to spend some time with several family members - always fun.
At the last minute dashed to Berkeley to Scrapbook Territory for National Scrapbook Day. Had a lovely time, Daniela Costa was a great hostess, as usual.
I'm participating in Lain Ehmann's Layout a Day scrapbook challenge for May. All my LO's are in my photostream on Flickr. You can link here
So, a little late for NSD but just in time for Memorial Day I think it's time for a give away.
How about a $25 gift certificate to Just make a comment on this post to enter. If you do not provide an e-mail address with your comment you will not be entered into the drawing. Too hard to find winners without that info. Prize winner will be determined on Memorial Day, May 27th. Good Luck!

 Nothing spices up February like discovering your on-again-off-again gentleman friend is shopping for new prospects online.  I know you find...