Should have planned to take MLK day off. On the other hand, a holiday work day after a one day weekend might be OK, but I'm coming down with a cold - so we shall see.
I could have spent today doing things at home but the sales were good and with only one day off I felt like SHOPPING! I actually hate it when I HAVE to shop but days like this it is THERAPY!
My DH teases me and says I have so much inventory he thinks I'll be setting a neon sign out front soon. I confess, I'm a collector. However, I'd never get much done if I had to dream up a page and then go shopping!
I think I'll post some of my favorite pages I've done in the past 12 months. I tried the BPS LOAD class with a page a day. I did a lot but my life is too crazy fior continuing that pace!
I actually may crank out a lot of pages this week. Am feeling INSPIRED!